HiFilter=Commands for transformation and filtration
CaRemaster=Remaster It
HiRemaster=Remaster file with selected settings
HiBatch=Multiple files processing
HiNormalize=Optimize volume level to standard
CaRemNoise=Remove noise
HiRemNoise=Remove noise with selected settings
CaRemPeek=Fit peak
HiRemPeek=Balance volume peaks with selected settings
HiDetekt=Locate sound timbre of active file
HiHelp=Help and registration commands
HiTopic=Complex application help
HiRegister=Program registration for unlimited version
HiAbout=Version etc.
HiEdit=Edit commands
CaLupVerPlus=Vertical zoom in
HiLupVerPlus=Magnify vertical zoom of preview
CaLupVerMinus=Vertical zoom out
HiLupVerMinus=Reduce vertical zoom of preview
CaLupVer=Vertical zoom to normal
HiLupVer=Set vertical zoom of preview to full dynamic range
CaLupHorPlus=Horizontal zoom in
HiLupHorPlus=Magnify horizontal zoom of preview
CaLupHorMinus=Horizontal zoom out
HiLupHorMinus=Reduce horizontal zoom of preview
CaLupHor=Horizontal zoom to full view
HiLupHor=Set horizontal zoom of preview to full wave
HiDel=Delete selected block
CaTypRemast=Type of remastering
HiTypRemast=Remastering settings
CaPrum=Both channels
HiPrum=Process both channels equally
CaStereo=Separate channels
HiStereo=Process channels separately
CaWeight=Partial separation
HiWeight=Partial separation of channels (half way between above selections)
CaStress=To weight
HiStress=Remaster according average value of band
CaMedi=Between weight and peek
HiMedi=Remaster according medium of average value and peek value of band
CaPeek=To peek
HiPeek=Remaster according peek value of band
HiTrack=Can be select five steps, three main and two halfway steps.
CaColorNoise=Sound timbre
HiColorNoise=Select target timbre
HiClear=Frequency balanced sound
HiSplit=Sharpen sound timbre with more striking treble
HiPremaster=Balanced sound with fresh spectrum modulation
CaDrum=Present drum
HiDrum=Present and increase drum sound
HiPop=Increased bass and treble dynamics
CaRaDetect=From example
HiRaDetect=Application of example timbre
CaAditional=Additional setting
HiAditional=Settings for additional processing in remastering
HiHiPass=Determine frequency limit - frequencies below the limit will be surpressed
HiLoPass=Determine frequency limit - frequencies above the limit will be surpressed
CaL11=Border size
CaL15=Target frequency spectrum
CaL17=Start block
CaL18=End block
CaL19=Length block
CaStatBar0=Sample number
CaStatBar2=Sample rate
CaStatBar3=Bits per sample
CaVerVypr=Twenty days version already overdue.
CaMusZapl=You must pay and/or find other program.
CaDataNeuloz=Data are not saved, save it?
CaUpravZtrac=All modifications will be lost, continue?
CaNutDetect=Detect or select sound timbre example first!
CaSoubZadJmen=File with specified name
CaNeExist=doesn't exists!
CaNePCM=File is not in PCM format or is damaged
CaDatNoSave=Save data failure (insufficient disk space or write protected medium)
CaJeChrWrite=is write protected, select another filename
CaExistOwerWrit=already exist, overwrite?
CaAfterRestart=Changes will be applied after application next run
CaMusZad=You must enter timbre name
CaChceSmaz=Would you erase
CaChcePrep=Would you overwrite
HiDelFreq=Erase stored timbre
HiSaveFreq=Save detected timbre
CaNeprZn=Name contains non-permissible characters
CaMmnd=Low disk space
CaPpv=for needs calculation
CaMaly=Sample is too short for this method
CaOnlyNumber=Lower box consists of numbers only
CaUserName=User name
CaSerNo=Serial number
CaYouRegist=Register It
CaShareware=Days remaining for program evaluation
CaPrice=Price of application
CaLicence=Licenced to
CaSerial=Serial number
CaOnEqualTar=When target filename already exists
HiOnEqualTar=Determine whether existing file will be overwritten
HiRename=File will be renamed
HiOwerwrite=File will be overwritten
HiDo=Start batch processing
CaSource=Source directory
CaDestination=Target directory
CaNormaDetect=Normalizing detection
CaDetection=Remastering detection
CaNoiseDetect=Noise detection
CaNoiseRemove=Noise removal
CaPeekDetect=Peeks detection
CaPeekFit=Peeks fitting
CaTiRem=Estimated time remaining
CaMenu1=Technical parameters
CaMenu11=Characteristics of used method
CaMenu2=Program requirements
CaHelp11=Open item enables to open sound files in Windows PCM format. It means formats of *.wav files without compression and without information loss. It is obvious that you can use other application to convert files from unsupported formats. But you could be aware that such conversions may cause large deformations. The application may refuse files with insufficient length (remastering needs sufficiently large samples) or corrupted files.
CaHelp12=It reload sample from drive to memory even the sample is modified. All changes will be lost.It is quick way to return to source sample.By reloading you will definitely lose every change.
CaHelp13=It saves sample in memory to drive. It cause overwrite of original sample. In this case it will show dialog for overwriting. If the target file is write protected it will offer selection of another file name.
CaHelp14=It saves sample in memory to drive and allows to select original name of sample. If the name will be the same, the effect will be the same as Save. There is not a need to provide file extension, it will be added automatically. If you choose another extension, it will be accepted, but the functionality of such a file is not guaranteed. The sound file could be repaired in this case by simple renaming to *.wav. Original data remain on drive for comparation or diferrent processing.
CaHelp15=Finish program. It cause the same behavior like Alt+F4 shortcut or closing icon. If changes of active file were not saved, it will show message dialog with prompt to save.
CaHelp2=Batch means multiple file processing from selected source directory. In two columns you can choose source and target directory. Additionally there is a possibility to choose renaming of target file. The rename item cause addition of underscore symbol before filename. If you choose different source and target directory, you do not need to select file renaming. Every attempt to overwrite file will be prompted. Batch processing is performed under selected parameters in fields "additional settings". Before Batch action these settings should be carrefully checked.
CaHelp31=Filter searches the maximal volume in sample and adjusts volume of whole sample in order to maximize the maximal volume in particular sound format. The application works with 32-bit representation of sound. You haven't to be worry that additional modifications on amplified sound could cause magnification over the format range. If the sample is louder than it is permitted, the sample will be normalized down.
CaHelp32=Remove noise from sample in whole spectrum. It removes not only hiss on trebles, but it also removes thud in middle frequencies and also scrumble in bass. Noise is removed according settings, which are selected in äadditional settingsô.
CaHelp33=This filter finds selected number of largest peaks in samples and sets up their intensity to intensity of smallest of them. This is not performed by hard clipping, but by volume reduction also with near border continously with (gausian) reduction of distance from given peak. Result is dynamic signal without clipping peak.Reduction of peaks is done on so small border, that human ear isn't able to perceive this.
CaHelp34=Starts remastering according of all additional setting. Performs removal of noise, it fits peaks, normalize and applies highpass and lowpass. It will be performed only if particular items are checked. Remastering according to the type, limit and precision will be performed everytime with selected trimble.
CaHelp35=It searches sound quality of example, which is then applied within remastering, if the trimble is set as "from example". The example should be your own preffered music or your own already remastered music, that has interesting trimble for you. If you apply trimble at the same sample, you can do with the choice "Separate channels" balancing trimble of the channels.
CaHelp41=It applies selected trimble to both channels (if the recording is stereo) equally. It will preserve differencies in trimble of particular channels within change of trimble as a whole. It is suitable for recordings with need of differentiation of channels trimble and the recording has not significantly different quality of right and left channel.
CaHelp42=It applies selected trimble on every channel separately. It cause equal trimble of both channels. This recommended for majority of recordings.
CaHelp43=This setting is option between previous two. It preserves advantages of both.
CaHelp44=Limitation is setting, which taking changes more significant than selected multiplication. It is suitable to forbid too strong modifications of hardly demaged recordings, because these damages could increase deformations of recording. Program tries to set up all the characteristics of sound to normal, but if some are missing completely, it could cause disturbing deformation. Recommended maximal limitation is 32.
CaHelp45=Precission sets up how deeply the sample will be processed. Too high precission may cause "artificial" sound. Low precission leads to low quality of processing. Optimal choice is between 10 and 120. Recommended value is 45.
CaHelp46=Remaster according average value of band (recomended for preset parametr of sound timbre)
CaHelp47=Remaster according medium of average value and peek value of band (recomended for all parametr of sound timbre)
CaHelp48=Remaster according peek value of band (recomended for "from example" parametr of sound timbre)
CaHelp51=Sound is well-balanced without tint. Suitable mainly for well coloured recordings.
CaHelp52=Sound is sharper with significant trebles. Suitable for rock.
CaHelp53=Sound is enriched with errors, which may revive recording.
CaHelp56=Sound timbre from example. Example could be any recording. It's sound characteristics is then transfered to our sample. It is suitable that styles of both recordings are same.
CaHelp611=It determines number of equally large blocks, to which sample is divided and in which the noise is searched separately. For recordings with balanced level of noise it is recommended 1. If the noise level is variable it is recommended higher value. It will be selected highest of them as noise level. High value may cause removal of sound that are not noise. Recommended range is 1 to 4.
CaHelp612=Sets up level of noise to be removed. For recordings with high level of noise it is recommended to not choose high percentage of removal, though the noise volume will remain on some level. Instead it may cause removal of sound that are not noise. Recommended value is 100%. Reasonable value ranges between 66 and 133%.
CaHelp613=Sets up length of block in seconds from which the noise is extracted. It is suitable to not exceed maximal length of silent part in recording. For example if the sound includes repeating loud part, it is suitable to select smaller block length. In opposition it could be said that the length should as long as possible, in order to remove the noise well.
CaHelp621=Sets up number of peaks, which will be reduced according to method described in filters.
CaHelp622=Sets up size of peaks border in samples, whereon (gausian) reduction and peak balancing will be aplicated.
CaHelp63=Indicates if the recording will be normalized during remastering.
CaHelp641=Sets up boundary frequency, under which will all frequencies reduced to zero. It is suitable set it up when processing highly damaged drums. For instance if source sound is analog, set up value 25 - 50 Hz. It will remove humming caused by roughness of tape or other damages. For gramophonic recordings set it even to 100Hz.
CaHelp642=Sets up speed of volume rise in the frame of one octave.
CaHelp651=Sets up frequency, above which will all frequencies reduced to zero. It is suitable set it, if these frekvencies are not included in such a recording. This approach will avoid enlargement of these frekvencies with noise. It is preferably suitable for conversion of analog recording with limited frequency chracteristics like tape or gramophonic recording.
CaHelp652=Sets reduction speed of volume in the frame of one octave.
CaHelp7=Program is using for all calculation 32 bit representation of sound, which warrants dynamics of 240 dB in integer numbers and till 1667 dB in floating point numbers. This warrants after conversion back to output 16 bit format non-measurable calculation losses. Also frequencyprocessing through FFT (FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMATION) with block size 16384 samples on channel warrants high frequency accuracy. Method of noise autodetection noise requires that recordings consist of at least one place only with noise about length at least one second, otherwise it can reach the removal of also other sounds than noise so damage recordings. Unfortunately I am not conscious of that, that at present it subsists method of detection noise from sample, where there are not places with noise in clear form. Diferently from most of the programs there is not a need to search noise manually and the program finds noise. Due to 32 bit processing there is no possibility to "overburn" the signal, if peaks exceed behind borders of normalized signal, there're not otherwise displayed, but after normalization of signal they are back available distortionless. If you however sample save with overrun peaks,they will be cutted.
CaHelp71=The main method of program isn't as expected clasic equalization and doesn't change frequency characteristics of sample about some multiple (number of dB) on given band on original, but it independenly on quality and frequency characteristics changes it to required state. It is not important, whether sample was few, or much distorted, result is always the same. This is proved also by fact that repeated processing doesn't lead to any other change. Program adapts sample with trimble independently on original trimble. It is very appropriate for editing sample on sound trimbles for which we've example, but we are not able to exactly revise it. Program is surely only one, which this way works with sound, since it was written mainly with my invented method nor so with other available method. If you have doubt about quality of these methods, it is nothing simple than trying of program for free of charge for 20 days on check-out. This 20 days is however only functional probation and in this time you are not permitted to use the program for commercial purposes.
CaHelp8=Program hasn't no special demands on hardware perhaps only in RAM size. Due to 32 bit processing it is suitable that RAM is minimally four times bigger than size of processed *.wav file. Mostly it is sufficient already 256 MB. Program works due to speed needs only with RAM memory. If there is memory lack it will use swap file, which cause radical reduction processing speed. However it has no influences to program functionality.